ICC – Matthew 25:35


Medical Services

Medical Services

Asylum seekers flee to other countries because they have to leave their homes and seek security and a better future. They are usually in vulnerable conditions and without easy access to medical and pharmaceutical services. This situation causes the refugees to be exposed to health risks and preventable diseases. And in the meantime, they will face many challenges.

Pharmaceutical and Medical Services:

Challenges Faced by Asylum Seekers

1- Limited Access:

  • Refugees encounter barriers to medical and pharmaceutical services, stemming from financial constraints, geographic distances, and immigration restrictions. These factors collectively limit their ability to access essential healthcare.

2- Lack of Sufficient Information:

  • Cultural differences, unfamiliarity with the local language, lack of knowledge about the health system, and absence of health insurance contribute to refugees’ initial inability to access medical and pharmaceutical services.

3- General Conditions:

  • Some asylum seekers may arrive in a new country with pre-existing physical problems or various diseases acquired over time. Unfortunately, certain regulatory constraints may hinder their ability to receive necessary medical attention.


To tackle these challenges and improve the situation of medical and pharmaceutical assistance for asylum seekers, we propose the following solutions:

1- Financial Support:

  • Through your generous support and the dedication of volunteers, we can provide financial assistance to asylum seekers in need of medical and therapeutic services. This support can alleviate the financial burden they face in accessing crucial healthcare.

2- Investigation and Research:

  • By conducting thorough investigations and research, we aim to identify specific needs and challenges faced by asylum seekers in the realm of medical and pharmaceutical assistance. This knowledge will guide targeted interventions to improve their overall well-being.

Your involvement through financial contributions and volunteer efforts can be instrumental in making a significant impact on the health and lives of asylum seekers. Together, we can bridge the gaps and provide essential support to those in the most vulnerable situations.